We have tummy time often during the day for Cohen. I have done this with each of my babies and it seems to help them so much in enjoying laying on their tummy later on (and keeps the bald spot on the back of the head to a minimum) as well as them learning to crawl faster. Scarlett was up on all fours by 5 mos from so much tummy time.Cohen hasn't enjoyed it tons yet, but he's getting stronger and I love when he holds his little head up. He looks like such a little boy! I think it's all the hair he's hanging on to. :)He's giving me the stink eye in this one. ;)Cohen is having tummy time on his boppy today. It seems to be easier for them at first that way... soon we'll be doing it without the boppy after his neck muscles have gotten a little stronger. The kids get so excited to see him growing and learning already.
What a strong little man!
he is so cute! And growing so fast!
WOW! I missed all my blogs so much the last 3 weeks but yours in particular! i cannot believe how much cohen has grown! what a lil cutie!!!!
What a big man! I can't wait to hold him again!
Ahh cute!! I can't believe he can hold his head up so good!
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