Today was a rare moment captured on the couch where Kanyon was actually enjoying having Scarlett sit by him. It's daily that I hear, "no mom! I don't want her here... she's touching my blankie... she's laying on me... mom, get her away!" I constantly tell him that she just wants to be with him, she loves him, etc but he doesn't seem to like that explanation. I feel sad for her because she really just wants to be by him. I think she feels big when she's sitting next to him and doing what he does. In all other situations, they seem to play together great! They hide from each other, chase each other, play in their playroom together, etc. It's just this sitting on the couch thing. So, today made me happy and Scarlett was just in heaven. :)

how cute !!!!!
SO tender. Kanyon is so stickin sweet. He will protect that little sister so well. Especially if he sees someone bothering her.
They are both SO DANG CUTE!!!! :)
I have already seen it with my girls. Someone taking something from Ally or maybe some little kid hit Ally and Ella defends her so quickly. it is SO heartwarming.
You will see how fast that sibling reacts!!!
Awww, so sweet!
I wanna check back in about 10 years and see how this is going! If my two older kiddos were sitting on the couch next to one another, somebody would definitely be being annoyed. ;)
How sweet!
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