I was tempted for a moment to pretend Kelan was a girl and test them out on him... but I thought Steve might have a problem with that. ;) They would be perfect for newborn pictures if you have a baby girl though.
Here is Scarlett modeling two different headbands...

There is a little pearl detail there in the center... but it's hiding in this shot.

And a silly one... because it just wouldn't be Scarlett without one! It's her face of choice every. single. time.

One more... an everyday occurrence over here. Scarlett loves all my shoes and is getting better at walking in them already!

FYI, Cozette Couture has got some cute stuff for mom's too and it's not limited to just hair accessories either!
Click here to visit Cozette Couture's Etsy shop. She has a blog as well and if you become a follower, she'll be doing a drawing for a follower to receive some free Cozette Couture in September... click here to check it out. For all you Facebook users... she's also got a page there too!
Scarlett and I thank you, Suzette!
super cute!
Had your baby yet?
I have some fun stuff on my giveaway blog if you or any other moms-to-be are interested in entering to win some fun baby/toddler products!
4Moms Infant tub, Rag quilt, Custom Onesies, photo design misc, shopping cart cover, walking wings, bibs & burp rags and lots more!
I see you have.. congrats!
Thank you so much Meghan!! These pictures look amazing! I will have to send you some more stuff soon!!
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