If I had my video camera out I would have recorded my cute kids this morning playing together in the kitchen. They had this Spiderman laptop and I don't know what Kanyon was doing, but it had Scarlett laughing hysterically. Next best thing... I grabbed my camera and snapped a couple pics. How I love the relationship these two have formed! We had a little lunch out at our goto Pizza stop today. I really have NO food in the house so this was more because of that than anything. ;) A grocery shopping trip needs to happen in the next day or so because we're in desperate need. These 2 love the pizza place, so I can't even feel guilty about it! :)
Love a Saturday afternoon during naps! I was going to take a nap myself, but figured I'd do this quick item instead. Super easy... thanks embee for reminding me of it! I happened to have this fabric that looked like perfect "tie" material... the little man will be stylin'.
As always your photography is so beautiful. (I want to get a new camera soon!!) Looks like it won't be long until you get to meet the new little one! I'm so excited for you!!!! TinaC (from July 05 SAHMs/BBC)
how CUTE are they ?!?! love it
that onesis is FREAKIN adorable
So cute. Love the onesie!
very cute! I love those shirts, I have many..
As always your photography is so beautiful. (I want to get a new camera soon!!) Looks like it won't be long until you get to meet the new little one! I'm so excited for you!!!! TinaC (from July 05 SAHMs/BBC)
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