Today was a lazy day at home for the most part... but Kanyon did get a hair cut early this morning. Not sure what I think about it because it's really short and he doesn't have any product in it at the moment. Kanyon has been talking about going to school and begging me to take him after he loads his backpack up with every toy he owns, it seems. I tell him next year and today that almost led to tears. He has too many older friends that are already in school and I think it's hard for him.
I decided to dust off my 50mm and play this afternoon... Scarlett just woke up... she has the routine down pretty good and gets upset if it's messed with. She wants her bink that she dropped. Happy now that she has it... for about 5 seconds. And now she wants out! ;) I actually didn't know she was such a skilled little climber. Better not give her a reason to practice that! Then I bribed her for a couple photos by telling her I'd get her some juice after... it's never worked until today! This is her new silly face that she does... mostly when she excited or surprised about something. Too bad the left eye is not in focus. I'm out of practice with my 50. Hope you all have a good weekend! We're going to be holed up at home watching Conference! :)
I know what you mean about Kanyon. Sometimes Callie gets pretty upset that she can't go to school too. That day will come soon enough! Scarlett is so funny. I love her faces.
I know what you mean about Kanyon. Sometimes Callie gets pretty upset that she can't go to school too. That day will come soon enough! Scarlett is so funny. I love her faces.
Love the silly Scarlett face!
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