I get up this morning and Steve had already been up with Kanyon. Our road is getting redone, so Steve moved our 2 cars to another street, so we can actually leave our house today. Kanyon went with him and I guess as Steve moved his car and parked it... Kanyon opened the door and while hanging on the seatbelt like tarzan, proceeded to say that he was Superman and flew out of the car. He was obviously expecting to swing out and around on the seatbelt like all those super heros do it. ;) Instead, he landed flat on his face in the road with the seatbelt still clutched tightly in his hands. This resulted in a pretty sweet road rash on his cheek. Steve picked him up and told him, "Kanyon, you are not Superman! You can't do stuff like that!" So, the first words I heard this morning were, "Mom, I'm not Superman." :( Awww, what a sad day in a little boy's life when he realizes that he's not invincible...
(He's being pretty silly in these pictures though!)

OUCH! He's still a super hero to me! He is one of the bravest little guys I have known.
Poor buddy :(
oh man! that broke my heart!
hee hee hee they are SO cute...my 22yr old brother has NUMEROUS scars from being 'superman'
Hes SO cute though , glad it was only minor road rash ;)
oh my, that's scary he's so daring. happy he only got hurt a little. crazy kid, lol!
What a sweet little guy. I still believe he can be a super hero....maybe, not as daring as super man:)
Awww, poor guy! Glad he wasn't seriously hurt!
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