Monday, May 5, 2008

Ahhh, finally a relaxing day...

(day 126)

I've taken a blogging hiatus... mostly because I've been so busy this last week and a half. My little brother, Trevor, got married on Saturday and that made for a busy week in preparation for it.

I've also been in a photography funk... I took about 20 frames on the wedding day. I know. Sad. But I still have the reception in North Carolina to make up for it and that should be a fun one! :)

Here are the kiddos playing today... first in the playroom and then outside. Yes, it's finally shorts weather. Although I'm not getting my hopes up for it to stick... it never seems to! :P

No, Kanyon isn't crying after his crazy jumping off the slide... he landed that perfectly. ;) He wasn't listening to mom about some other stuff and had to go inside... I was not the favorite parent today. :P
P.S. I've also had some other things going on to keep me busy, but I'll share those later. ;)


Selena said...

These are great! Looks like they had a great fun day! E always cries when it's time to go back inside. He'd play outside all day if I let him.

Cristal said...

oooh, fun!
I ADORE #3 (Scarlet standing(?) looking off into the distance). Gorgeous shot!

melissa said...

FINALLY! ;) Great shots. Can't wait to hear what else has been keeping you busy.

stacey said...

We've missed seeing your little ones, but glad to hear of the fun going on around you. Kanyon is a dare devil, isn't he! His upset face breaks my heart though. ;)

Erinn said...

Wow, Meghan you really do take BEAUTIFUL pictures. I might me calling you in 6 weeks or so when our next little one gets here! It was good to see you guys on Saturday. I wish we could have chatted more...but with the little 2 year old distraction it was a little difficult. We should have been smart parents too and left her home! ;)

Jen Bird said...

When I saw that picture of Kanyon crying, I thought "oh no, those dang bees stung him"! :) But dang it, it's never fun to go inside. So cute!! It looks like it's nice outside. Have fun this weekend and I don't know if I'll make it down for the girl's night out only because Devin thinks we should take one car for once and drive on Friday! :( But hopefully you'll all go and enjoy hiking the Y) Can't wait to see the wedding pics.

Meghan said...

Thanks Erinn! It was good to see you guys too... it's not often enough! Abby was a baby last I saw her, so she's grown tons!!