Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Another snow storm

(day 44)

We just had started seeing the grass peaking beneath the snow for the first or second time since Thanksgiving... I was beginning to think that Spring really was on it's way. Until this afternoon when the roads were once again covered in snow. So, we spent time in the playroom until dad got home from work.

And he's home! The kids get so excited. Steve loves it. Especially now that Scarlett has started to show her excitement when he walks in the door.
And lastly, a picture of Kanyon's newest trick with his toy box. Where is he? ;) He thinks he's so funny...


Selena said...

I LOVE these! You are so naturally gifted!

Jill said...

Awww GREAT pics, I LOVE that one of K in the toy box, WAY cute !!!

Anonymous said...

We are always up for jumping jacks- so let us know if you go! Happy Valentine's Day! Love the card. You take great pics.

Mical said...

That sucks, I am praying for 75 when you come. :)