Here are some pictures of the kids while on our trip. Kanyon's face after I said, "Look at mama one more time and I'll give you a cookie." He seems to be really concentrating...
My little Scarlett at 4 1/2 months. She's been trying to get her legs under her. She really wants to crawl...
Kanyon fell asleep in the car on the way home from the Farm one day... we laid him on the bed at Grandpa's and he was OUT. Wish he slept that hard at home.
Scarlett was so good to be in her car seat so much. The farm, lake, city etc. she sat pretty well. Sometimes you forget that these little ones need to stretch their legs too.
Kanyon watching Daddy wakeboard. Pretty soon he'll have to get out there and try!
Check out the walk on this guy... he's got places to go and people to see! Definitely on a mission! And lastly, this hat... Kanyon has never been one to love hats. In fact, I bought this one and was so sad when he just took it off his head and threw it down. I don't know what changed, but he'll sport this hat all day now! I think Dad's hoping that love is shown for his new Cubs hat too! :)
Okay, that's it! I'm officially done posting pictures from the trip. :) It only took almost a week... :P Just wanted to say thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Sonnenberg for letting us an our friends stay at the Lake House. It was so fun!
Scarlett is soooo cute! I can't believe she is so big! And Kanyons strut is pretty hilarious!! What a character...
Ok, I love the pictures of Kanyon's walk. That is SOOOO funny!
I am laughing at that first picture of Kanyon and your comment about getting a cookie if he poses. That's just hilarious!!
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