Random tidbits from my day...
Scarlett hasn't quite been herself the last two days... she's got a cold and it's made her slightly irrational. While playing this afternoon, Kanyon decided to start playing "bumper cars" with her and hope she just joins right in happily. Well, she didn't and started bawling... she starts pointing at the shelf and telling me "need bink!" all the while with a binky securely in her mouth. I look at her funny, she realizes why and proceeds to take the binky out and throw it on the ground and continue crying for what I guess could be called a "fresh binky" to cure her sadness...I cannot wait for this cold to run it's course, and for me to gear up to hide away the binkys at least during the day. :)Kanyon was playing happily upstairs with his imaginary friend, Super Why, this afternoon. I'm sure some of you know him from PBS. ;) I hear him singing "the clean up song"... you know the one:
Clean up, clean up, everybody do their share!
Clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere!
I only really heard the clean up part repeatedly, but I wondered what he was doing that would make him sing that song. He couldn't possibly be really cleaning because it's usually like pulling teeth to get that done. Well, a few minutes later, he invited me upstairs to view his job well done. And here it is:
Apparently the books were just a mess (according to him).... and he put them all back on the shelf, but not standing up, he told me... he stacked them instead. Oh, and Super Why helped and had fun playing with him, he said. Thanks little man!
super why helps/plays around this house ALOT too.....found podcasts for my iPhone, GREAT entertainment while you are out to eat ;)
SUCH a great organizer you have on your hands, he'll make some girl proud one day ;)
Scarlet is so funny-- :) I guess all kids need their "comforter". Marley's is her blanket and whenever she's sad it seems to make everything better :)
I am very impressed. Go Kanyon!!
To bad I hate colds. I love the clean up song!
Liz Blake Memmott
ps have you seen this site?
Super Why is my HERO! I love the half hour when he comes to visit our house. I can get SO much done! Sorry, you guys are fighting the yucky cold virus!! Hopefully all will be well soon!
Thank you, Liz, for the link!! I will check it out. ;)
So funny! Hope Scarlett is feeling better.
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