Wednesday, July 23, 2008


(day 205)

For Kanyon's birthday yesterday, we picked up Dad from work and went to the mall so that Kanyon could do the whole build-a-bear thing. He was mostly excited for the stuffing part - such a boy that way. Steve tried to get him to pick this new dinosaur they had there, but Kanyon went for the more traditional bear. We could see how this might cause a problem with Scarlett, so we let her pick a bear too.

They both have loved on these bears and slept with them at night and naps. Kanyon keeps tell me that his bear likes him... he'll lay him down for naps and all. It's cute to see him being nurturing. ;)

One of Kanyon's fav gifts from Mom and Dad was this Ironman. He's been playing with it constantly! Glad it was a hit. :)


Jill said...

how FUN !!!! I think we need a build a bear day in our future, GOOD to know they have 'dimasuars'

Lisa B said...

So sweet! Hazel has one, but she wants to spend some birthday money on another one. Love seeing Scarlett snuggle with hers.